David Lovering's Isolation Picks

David Lovering's Isolation Picks šŸƒ

Film to watch:

Rarely do I go to the movies. If I see a film it was definitely from being on a long flight. But, recently I did watch a film at home that I was interested in seeing. ā€œUncut Gemsā€ with Adam Sandler was a hard movie to watch, but I thought it was great. Why I was interested in the movie was because of the soundtrack. Daniel Lopatin performed the majority of the music using a Moog One synthesizer. The same one I have. Iā€™m a synth nerd. Not only did he do a fantastic job, I think it really made the movie.

TV to watch:

Again, rarely do I watch TV. I have a satellite dish with lots of channels, but as you know, thereā€™s not much on worth watching. But, if I do find myself in front of a TV and Iā€™m in luck with programming schedules, ā€œHow Itā€™s Madeā€ is a show I really do enjoy. Whether it be about toothpicks or jet engines, itā€™s fascinating ā€œhow these things are madeā€.

Music to listen to:

Again, I rarely listen to music. If I do itā€™s in my car or testing out my speaker system. Lately though Iā€™ve been testing my speakers to a lot of soul / funk bands. Sort of nostalgic, Iā€™m enjoying listening to The Gap Band, Dazz Band, Ohio Players, Earth, Wind and Fire, The Brothers

Johnson, Rufus and a little Hot Chocolate for good measure.

Podcast to listen to:

Once again, Mr. Boring doesnā€™t listen to podcasts. But, I do listen to one through osmosis. My wife is a fan of ā€œNo Agendaā€. I hear it on everyday. I donā€™t make out exactly whatā€™s being said half the time, but itā€™s the only podcast I know of. (other than the Pixies one). Canā€™t recommend it or not recommend it. Listen at your own discretion.

Book to read:

Lately Iā€™ve been reading a lot of the books that help me with my hobbies. Those books are, The Minelab Equinox Advanced Guide, Scripting Magic Volumes 1 and 2, Gem Trails of California and Welshā€™s Synthesizer Cookbook. You can tell I donā€™t read fiction and Iā€™ve got a lot of free time on my hands.

Article to read:

Being home bound Iā€™ve developed new ways to use leftovers and hone my cooking skills. Iā€™m sure a lot of you reading this are in agreement. That being said, eating healthier, especially with a new garden in the yard, Iā€™ve found 7 tips to help me with gardening. They can be found ongoodhousekeeping.com. The problem I have now is trying to eat everything or having to give it away so it doesnā€™t go to waste. At least I can use it as compost too.

Activity to do:

Iā€™ve got a lot of hobbies. And with a lot of free time, Iā€™m never bored. My favorite hobby though is metal detecting. Iā€™ve been detecting since I was 10 years old. Youā€™re always outdoors in usually an idealistic place. The beach or the woods. Lately Iā€™ve been able to hunt my property more diligently with the lockdown. Havenā€™t found the mother load yet, but I did find a 1946 Wheat Penny. Ironically the penny looks like it was shot with a .22 or someone took a center punch to it.The hunt continues.
